
fil_finder.filament_profile(skeleton, image, pixscale, max_dist=<Quantity 0.025 pc>, distance=<Quantity 250. pc>, num_avg=3, verbose=False, bright_unit='Jy km/s', noise=None, fit_profiles=True)[source]

Calculate radial profiles along the main extent of a skeleton (ie. the longest path). The skeleton must contain a single branch with no intersections.


Boolean array containing the skeleton


Image to compute the profiles from. Must match the spatial extent of the skeleton array.


Angular size of a pixel in the image. Must have units equivalent to degrees.

max_distastropy Quantity, optional

The angular or physical (when distance is given) extent to create the profile away from the centre skeleton pixel. The entire profile will be twice this value (for each side of the profile).

distanceastropy Quantity, optional

Physical distance to the region in the image. If None is given, results will be in angular units based on the header.

num_avgint, optional

Number of points before and after a pixel that is used when computing the normal vector. Using at least three points is recommended due to small pixel instabilities in the skeletons.

verbosebool, optional

Enable plotting of the profile and the accompanying for each pixel in the skeleton.

bright_unitstring or astropy Unit

Brightness unit of the image.

noisenp.ndarray, optional

RMS array for the accompanying image. When provided, the errors are calculated along each of the profiles and used as weights in the fitting.

fit_profilesbool, optional

When enabled, fits a Gaussian model to the profiles. Otherwise only the profiles are returned.


Distances along the profiles.


Radial profiles.


Contains the pixel position of the start of the profile, the skeleton pixel, and the end of the profile.

tabastropy QTable

Table of the fit results and errors with appropriate units.