
The entire algorithm is run through fil_finder_2D. Nominally, this is the only portion of the package that needs to be accessed for users.

Filament profiles can be extracted using the width_profiles module.

Source Code


filament_profile(skeleton, image, pixscale)

Calculate radial profiles along the main extent of a skeleton (ie.


Run the tests for the package.


FilFinder2D(image[, header, beamwidth, ...])

Extract and analyze filamentary structure from a 2D image.

Filament2D(pixel_coords[, converter, wcs, ...])

Analysis and properties of a 2D filament.


Analysis and properties of a single filament object.

fil_finder_2D(image[, header, beamwidth, ...])

This class acts as an overall wrapper to run the fil-finder algorithm on 2D images and contains visualization and saving capabilities.