Source code for fil_finder.width_profiles.profile_line_width

import scipy.ndimage as nd
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as p
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.table import QTable

from .profile import profile_line

eight_conn = np.ones((3, 3))

end_structs = [np.array([[1, 0, 0],
                         [0, 1, 0],
                         [0, 0, 0]]),
               np.array([[0, 1, 0],
                         [0, 1, 0],
                         [0, 0, 0]]),
               np.array([[0, 0, 1],
                         [0, 1, 0],
                         [0, 0, 0]]),
               np.array([[0, 0, 0],
                         [1, 1, 0],
                         [0, 0, 0]]),
               np.array([[0, 0, 0],
                         [0, 1, 1],
                         [0, 0, 0]]),
               np.array([[0, 0, 0],
                         [0, 1, 0],
                         [1, 0, 0]]),
               np.array([[0, 0, 0],
                         [0, 1, 0],
                         [0, 1, 0]]),
               np.array([[0, 0, 0],
                         [0, 1, 0],
                         [0, 0, 1]])]

four_conn_posns = [1, 3, 5, 7]
eight_conn_posns = [0, 2, 6, 8]

[docs]def filament_profile(skeleton, image, pixscale, max_dist=0.025 * u.pc, distance=250. * u.pc, num_avg=3, verbose=False, bright_unit="Jy km/s", noise=None, fit_profiles=True): ''' Calculate radial profiles along the main extent of a skeleton (ie. the longest path). The skeleton must contain a single branch with no intersections. Parameters ---------- skeleton : np.ndarray Boolean array containing the skeleton image : np.ndarray Image to compute the profiles from. Must match the spatial extent of the skeleton array. pixscale : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Angular size of a pixel in the image. Must have units equivalent to degrees. max_dist : astropy Quantity, optional The angular or physical (when distance is given) extent to create the profile away from the centre skeleton pixel. The entire profile will be twice this value (for each side of the profile). distance : astropy Quantity, optional Physical distance to the region in the image. If None is given, results will be in angular units based on the header. num_avg : int, optional Number of points before and after a pixel that is used when computing the normal vector. Using at least three points is recommended due to small pixel instabilities in the skeletons. verbose : bool, optional Enable plotting of the profile and the accompanying for each pixel in the skeleton. bright_unit : string or astropy Unit Brightness unit of the image. noise : np.ndarray, optional RMS array for the accompanying image. When provided, the errors are calculated along each of the profiles and used as weights in the fitting. fit_profiles : bool, optional When enabled, fits a Gaussian model to the profiles. Otherwise only the profiles are returned. Returns ------- line_distances : list Distances along the profiles. line_profiles : list Radial profiles. profile_extents : list Contains the pixel position of the start of the profile, the skeleton pixel, and the end of the profile. tab : astropy QTable Table of the fit results and errors with appropriate units. ''' deg_per_pix = / u.pixel if distance is not None: phys_per_pix = distance * (np.pi / 180.) * deg_per_pix / u.deg max_pixel = (max_dist / phys_per_pix).value else: # max_dist should then be in pixel or angular units if not isinstance(max_dist, u.Quantity): # Assume pixels max_pixel = max_dist else: try: max_pixel = except u.UnitConversionError: # In angular units equiv = [(u.pixel, u.deg, lambda x: x / (pixscale * u.pix), lambda x: x * pixscale * u.pix)] max_pixel =, equivalencies=equiv).value if bright_unit is None: bright_unit = u.dimensionless_unscaled elif isinstance(bright_unit, str): bright_unit = u.Unit(bright_unit) elif isinstance(bright_unit, u.UnitBase): pass else: raise TypeError("bright_unit must be compatible with astropy.units.") # Make sure the noise array is the same shape if noise is not None: assert noise.shape == image.shape # Get the points in the skeleton (in order) skel_pts = walk_through_skeleton(skeleton) line_profiles = [] line_distances = [] profile_extents = [] profile_fits = [] red_chisqs = [] for j, i in enumerate(range(num_avg, len(skel_pts) - num_avg)): # Calculate the normal direction from the surrounding pixels pt1 = avg_pts([skel_pts[i + j] for j in range(-num_avg, 0)]) pt2 = avg_pts([skel_pts[i + j] for j in range(1, num_avg + 1)]) vec = np.array([float(x2 - x1) for x2, x1 in zip(pt1, pt2)]) vec /= np.linalg.norm(vec) per_vec = perpendicular(vec) line_pts = find_path_ends(skel_pts[i], max_pixel, per_vec) left_profile, left_dists = \ profile_line(image, skel_pts[i], line_pts[0]) right_profile, right_dists = \ profile_line(image, skel_pts[i], line_pts[1]) total_profile = np.append(left_profile[::-1], right_profile) * \ bright_unit if noise is not None: left_profile, _ = \ profile_line(noise, skel_pts[i], line_pts[0]) right_profile, _ = \ profile_line(noise, skel_pts[i], line_pts[1]) noise_profile = np.append(left_profile[::-1], right_profile) * \ bright_unit else: noise_profile = None if distance is not None: total_dists = np.append(-left_dists[::-1], right_dists) \ * u.pix * phys_per_pix else: total_dists = np.append(-left_dists[::-1], right_dists) \ * u.pix * deg_per_pix if noise is not None: if len(total_profile) != len(noise_profile): raise ValueError("Intensity and noise profile lengths do not" " match. Have you applied the same mask to" " both?") line_profiles.append(total_profile) line_distances.append(total_dists) profile_extents.append([line_pts[0], skel_pts[i], line_pts[1]]) if fit_profiles: # Now fit! profile_fit, profile_fit_err, red_chisq = \ gauss_fit(total_dists.value, total_profile.value, sigma=noise_profile) profile_fits.append(np.hstack([profile_fit, profile_fit_err])) red_chisqs.append(red_chisq) if verbose: p.subplot(121) p.imshow(image, origin='lower') p.contour(skeleton, colors='r') p.plot(skel_pts[i][1], skel_pts[i][0], 'bD') p.plot(line_pts[0][1], line_pts[0][0], 'bD') p.plot(line_pts[1][1], line_pts[1][0], 'bD') p.subplot(122) p.plot(total_dists, total_profile, 'bD') pts = np.linspace(total_dists.min().value, total_dists.max().value, 100) if fit_profiles: p.plot(pts, gaussian(pts, *profile_fit), 'r') if distance is not None: unit = (u.pix * phys_per_pix).unit.to_string() else: unit = (u.pix * deg_per_pix).unit.to_string() p.xlabel("Distance from skeleton (" + unit + ")") p.ylabel("Surface Brightness (" + bright_unit.to_string() + ")") p.tight_layout() if fit_profiles: profile_fits = np.asarray(profile_fits) red_chisqs = np.asarray(red_chisqs) # Create an astropy table of the fit results param_names = ["Amplitude", "Std Dev", "Background"] param_errs = [par + " Error" for par in param_names] colnames = param_names + param_errs in_bright_units = [True, False, True] * 2 tab = QTable() tab["Number"] = np.arange(profile_fits.shape[0]) tab.add_index("Number") tab["Red Chisq"] = red_chisqs for i, (name, is_bright) in enumerate(zip(colnames, in_bright_units)): if is_bright: col_unit = bright_unit else: if distance is not None: col_unit = (u.pix * phys_per_pix).unit else: col_unit = (u.pix * deg_per_pix).unit tab[name] = profile_fits[:, i] * col_unit return line_distances, line_profiles, profile_extents, tab else: return line_distances, line_profiles
def perpendicular(a): ''' Return the perpendicular vector to a given 2D vector. ''' b = np.empty_like(a) b[0] = -a[1] b[1] = a[0] return b def walk_through_skeleton(skeleton): ''' Starting from one end, walk through a skeleton in order. Intended for use with skeletons that contain no branches. ''' # Calculate the end points end_pts = return_ends(skeleton) if len(end_pts) != 2: raise ValueError("Skeleton must contain no intersections.") # Force the first end point to be closest to the image origin. if two_point_dist(end_pts[1], [0, 0]) < two_point_dist(end_pts[0], [0, 0]): end_pts = end_pts[::-1] all_pts = int(np.sum(skeleton)) yy, xx = np.mgrid[-1:2, -1:2] yy = yy.ravel() xx = xx.ravel() for i in range(all_pts): if i == 0: ordered_pts = [end_pts[0]] prev_pt = end_pts[0] else: # Check for neighbors y, x = prev_pt # Extract the connected region neighbors = skeleton[y - 1:y + 2, x - 1:x + 2].ravel() # Define the corresponding array indices. yy_inds = yy + y xx_inds = xx + x hits = [int(elem) for elem in np.argwhere(neighbors)] # Remove the centre point and any points already in the list for pos, (y_ind, x_ind) in enumerate(zip(yy_inds, xx_inds)): if (y_ind, x_ind) in ordered_pts: hits.remove(pos) num_hits = len(hits) if num_hits == 0: # You've reached the end. It better be the other end point if prev_pt[0] != end_pts[1][0] or prev_pt[1] != end_pts[1][1]: raise ValueError("Final point does not match expected" " end point. Check input skeleton for" " intersections.") break elif num_hits == 1: # You have found the next point posn = hits[0] next_pt = (y + yy[posn], x + xx[posn]) ordered_pts.append(next_pt) else: # There's at least a couple neighbours (for some reason) # Pick the 4-connected component since it is the closest for fours in four_conn_posns: if fours in hits: posn = hits[hits.index(fours)] break else: raise ValueError("Disconnected eight-connected pixels?") next_pt = (y + yy[posn], x + xx[posn]) ordered_pts.append(next_pt) prev_pt = next_pt return ordered_pts def return_ends(skeleton): ''' Find the endpoints of the skeleton. ''' end_points = [] for i, struct in enumerate(end_structs): hits = nd.binary_hit_or_miss(skeleton, structure1=struct) if not np.any(hits): continue for y, x in zip(*np.where(hits)): end_points.append((y, x)) return end_points def find_path_ends(posn, max_dist, vector): ''' Find ends of a path for line_profile given a vector direction. ''' vector = vector.astype(float) / np.linalg.norm(vector) max_size = np.ceil(max_dist).astype(int) yy, xx = np.mgrid[-max_size:max_size + 1, -max_size:max_size + 1] max_circle = yy**2 + xx**2 <= max_dist**2 ring = \ np.logical_xor(max_circle, nd.binary_erosion(max_circle, eight_conn)) radius_pts = [(y + posn[0], x + posn[1]) for y, x in zip(*np.where(ring))] x_step = vector[1] y_step = vector[0] y_diff = max_size * y_step x_diff = max_size * x_step neg_line_posn = (posn[0] - y_diff, posn[1] - x_diff) pos_line_posn = (posn[0] + y_diff, posn[1] + x_diff) # pos_dists = np.array([two_point_dist(pos_line_posn, pt) # for pt in radius_pts]) # neg_dists = np.array([two_point_dist(neg_line_posn, pt) # for pt in radius_pts]) # These should be the ones used to ensure # proper distance from the skeleton point. # pos_posn give weird results though... # pos_posn = radius_pts[np.argmin(pos_dists)] # neg_posn = radius_pts[np.argmin(neg_dists)] return [neg_line_posn, pos_line_posn] def two_point_dist(pt1, pt2): return np.linalg.norm([x2 - x1 for x2, x1 in zip(pt1, pt2)]) def avg_pts(pts): dims = len(pts[0]) avg_pt = [] for dim in range(dims): avg_pt.append(np.mean([pt[dim] for pt in pts]).astype(int)) return avg_pt def gaussian(x, *p): ''' Parameters ---------- x : list or numpy.ndarray 1D array of values where the model is evaluated p : tuple Components are: * p[0] Amplitude * p[1] Mean * p[2] Width * p[3] Background ''' return (p[0] - p[2]) * np.exp(-1 * np.power(x, 2) / (2 * np.power(p[1], 2))) + p[2] def gauss_fit(distance, rad_profile, sigma=None): ''' Fits a Gaussian to the radial profile. Parameters ---------- distance : np.ndarray Distances from the skeleton. rad_profile : np.ndarray Intensity values from the image. sigma : np.ndarray Errors to be used for the fit. Assumes these are 1-sigma errors. Returns ------- fit : numpy.ndarray Fit values. fit_errors : numpy.ndarray Fit errors. red_chisq : float The reduced chi-squared value for the fit. ''' p0 = (np.max(rad_profile), np.std(distance), np.min(rad_profile)) try: fit, cov, info, _, _ = \ curve_fit(gaussian, distance, rad_profile, p0=p0, maxfev=100 * (len(distance) + 1), sigma=sigma, absolute_sigma=True, full_output=True) fit_errors = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov)) red_chisq = (info['fvec']**2).sum() / (len(info['fvec']) - len(fit)) except Exception as e: print("curve_fit failed with " + str(e)) # p.plot(distance, rad_profile) # fit = np.asarray([np.NaN] * len(p0)) fit_errors = np.asarray([np.NaN] * len(p0)) red_chisq = np.NaN return fit, fit_errors, red_chisq