Source code for fil_finder.filfind_class

# Licensed under an MIT open source license - see LICENSE

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as p
import scipy.ndimage as nd
from scipy.stats import lognorm
from scipy.ndimage import distance_transform_edt
from skimage.morphology import remove_small_objects, medial_axis
from scipy.stats import scoreatpercentile
from import fits
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from astropy.wcs.utils import proj_plane_pixel_scales
from copy import deepcopy
import os
import time
import warnings

from .cores import *
from .length import *
from .pixel_ident import *
from .utilities import *
from .width import *
from .rollinghough import rht
from .io_funcs import input_data
from .base_conversions import BaseInfoMixin

# The try/except is here to deal with TypeErrors when building the docs on RTD
# This isn't really a solution... but it is lazy and does the job until I
# add astropy_helpers.
    FWHM_FACTOR = 2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2.))
except TypeError:
    FWHM_FACTOR = np.NaN

[docs]class fil_finder_2D(BaseInfoMixin): """ This class acts as an overall wrapper to run the fil-finder algorithm on 2D images and contains visualization and saving capabilities. Parameters ---------- image : numpy.ndarray or A 2D array of the data to be analyzed. If a FITS HDU is passed, the header is automatically loaded. header : FITS header, optional The header from fits file containing the data. If no header is provided, and it could not be loaded from ``image``, all results will be returned in pixel units. beamwidth : float or astropy.units.Quantity, optional The FWHM beamwidth with an appropriately attached unit. By default, the beam is read from a provided header. If the beam cannot be read from the header, or a header is not provided, this input must be given. If a float is given, it is assumed to be in pixel units. ang_scale : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Give the angular to pixel units conversion. If none is given, it will be read from the header. The units must be a valid angular unit. skel_thresh : float, optional Given in pixel units.Below this cut off, skeletons with less pixels will be deleted. The default value is 0.3 pc converted to pixels. branch_thresh : float, optional Any branches shorter than this length (in pixels) will be labeled as extraneous and pruned off. The default value is 3 times the FWHM beamwidth. pad_size : int, optional The size of the pad (in pixels) used to pad the individual filament arrays. By default this is disabled. **If the data continue up to the edge of the image, padding should not be enabled as this causes deviations in the mask around the edges!** skeleton_pad_size : int, optional Number of pixels to pad the individual skeleton arrays by. For the skeleton to graph conversion, the pad must always be greater then 0. The amount of padding can slightly effect the extent of the radial intensity profile.. flatten_thresh : int, optional The percentile of the data (0-100) to set the normalization of the arctan transform. By default, a log-normal distribution is fit and the threshold is set to :math:`\mu + 2\sigma`. If the data contains regions of a much higher intensity than the mean, it is recommended this be set >95 percentile. smooth_size : int, optional The patch size (in pixels) used to smooth the flatten image before adaptive thresholding is performed. Smoothing is necessary to ensure the extraneous branches on the skeletons is minimized. If None, the patch size is set to ~0.05 pc. This ensures the large scale structure is not affected while smoothing extraneous pixels off the edges. size_thresh : int, optional This sets the lower threshold on the size of objects found in the adaptive thresholding. If None, the value is set at :math:`5\pi (0.1 \text(pc))^2` which is the area of the minimum dimensions expected for a filament. Any region smaller than this threshold may be safely labeled as an artifact of the thresholding. glob_thresh : float, optional This is the percentile of the data to mask off. All intensities below are cut off from being included in the filamentary structure. adapt_thresh : int, optional This is the size in pixels of the patch used in the adaptive thresholding. Bright structure is not very sensitive to the choice of patch size, but faint structure is very sensitive. If None, the patch size is set to twice the width of a typical filament (~0.2 pc). As the width of filaments is somewhat ubiquitous, this patch size generally segments all filamentary structure in a given image. distance : float, optional The distance to the region being examined (in pc). If None, the analysis is carried out in pixel and angular units. In this case, the physical priors used in other optional parameters is meaningless and each must be specified initially. region_slice : list, optional This gives the option to examine a specific region in the given image. The expected input is [xmin,xmax,ymin,max]. mask : numpy.ndarray, optional A pre-made, boolean mask may be supplied to skip the segmentation process. The algorithm will skeletonize and run the analysis portions only. freq : float, optional **Deprecated. Has no effect.** save_name : str, optional Sets the prefix name that is used for output files. Can be overridden in ``save_fits`` and ``save_table``. Default is "FilFinder_output". Examples -------- >>> from fil_finder import fil_finder_2D >>> from import fits >>> import astropy.units as u >>> img,hdr ="twod.fits")[0] # doctest: +SKIP >>> filfind = fil_finder_2D(img, header=hdr, beamwidth=15*u.arcsec, distance=170*u.pc, save_name='twod_filaments') # doctest: +SKIP >>> # doctest: +SKIP """ def __init__(self, image, header=None, beamwidth=None, ang_scale=None, skel_thresh=None, branch_thresh=None, pad_size=0, skeleton_pad_size=1, flatten_thresh=None, smooth_size=None, size_thresh=None, glob_thresh=None, adapt_thresh=None, distance=None, region_slice=None, mask=None, freq=None, save_name="FilFinder_output"): # Deprecating this version soon warnings.warn("Support for fil_finder_2D will be dropped in v2.0. Use " "the new version 'FilFinder2D'.", DeprecationWarning) output = input_data(image, header) self._image = output["data"].value if "header" in output: self._header = output["header"] else: self._header = None if self.header is not None: self._wcs = WCS(self.header) if region_slice is not None: slices = (slice(region_slice[0], region_slice[1], None), slice(region_slice[2], region_slice[3], None)) self.image = np.pad(self.image[slices], 1, padwithzeros) self.skel_thresh = skel_thresh self.branch_thresh = branch_thresh self.pad_size = pad_size self.skeleton_pad_size = skeleton_pad_size self.freq = freq self.save_name = save_name # If pre-made mask is provided, remove nans if any. self.mask = None if mask is not None: mask[np.isnan(mask)] = 0.0 self.mask = mask # Pad the image by the pad size. Avoids slicing difficulties # later on. if self.pad_size > 0: self._image = np.pad(self.image, self.pad_size, padwithnans) # Make flattened image if flatten_thresh is None: # Fit to a log-normal fit_vals =[~np.isnan(self.image)]) median = lognorm.median(*fit_vals) std = lognorm.std(*fit_vals) thresh_val = median + 2 * std else: thresh_val = scoreatpercentile(self.image[~np.isnan(self.image)], flatten_thresh) self.flat_img = np.arctan(self.image / thresh_val) if ang_scale is not None: if not isinstance(ang_scale, u.Quantity): raise TypeError("ang_scale must be an astropy.units.Quantity.") if not ang_scale.unit.is_equivalent(u.deg): raise u.UnitsError("ang_scale must be given in angular units.") pix_scale = else: # Check for a wcs object if not hasattr(self, "wcs"): pix_scale = 1. Warning("No header given. Results will be in pixel units.") else: pix_scale = \ np.abs(proj_plane_pixel_scales(self.wcs.celestial)[0]) * \ u.deg if self.header is None: Warning("No header given. Results will be in pixel units.") if beamwidth is None: raise TypeError("Beamwidth in pixels must be given when no" " header is provided.") elif isinstance(beamwidth, u.Quantity): # Can only use pixel inputs in this case if beamwidth.unit != u.pix: raise TypeError("Beamwidth must be given in pixel units" " when no header is given.") else: Warning("Assuming given beamwidth is in pixels.") self._beamwidth = beamwidth.value / FWHM_FACTOR self.angular_scale = 1.0 self.imgscale = 1.0 self.pixel_unit_flag = True else: # Check for the beam info in the header if "BMAJ" in self.header: beamwidth = self.header["BMAJ"] * u.deg else: if beamwidth is None: raise TypeError("Beamwidth was not found in the header." " Must provide a value with the" " 'beamwidth' argument.") if not isinstance(beamwidth, u.Quantity): Warning("No unit provided for the beamwidth. Assuming " "pixels.") beamwidth *= u.pix if distance is None: Warning("No distance given. Results will be in pixel units.") if beamwidth.unit == u.pix: self._beamwidth = beamwidth.value / FWHM_FACTOR else: self._beamwidth = (( / FWHM_FACTOR) / pix_scale).value self.imgscale = 1.0 self.pixel_unit_flag = True else: if not isinstance(distance, u.Quantity): Warning("No unit for distance given. Assuming pc.") distance *= u.pc # Image scale in pc. self.imgscale = * \ width = beamwidth / FWHM_FACTOR if beamwidth.unit == u.pix: self._beamwidth = width.value * self.imgscale else: # Try to convert straight to pc try: self._beamwidth = _try_ang_units = False except u.UnitConversionError: _try_ang_units = True # If that fails, try converting from an angular unit if _try_ang_units: try: self._beamwidth = \ ( / 206265.) * \ distance.value except u.UnitConversionError: raise u.UnitConversionError("Cannot convert the " "given beamwidth in " " physical or angular" " units.") self.pixel_unit_flag = False # Angular conversion (sr/pixel^2) if pix_scale.unit.is_equivalent(u.deg): self.angular_scale = \ (pix_scale ** 2.).to( else: self.angular_scale = 1 * u.pix**2 self.glob_thresh = glob_thresh self.adapt_thresh = adapt_thresh self.smooth_size = smooth_size self.size_thresh = size_thresh self.width_fits = {"Parameters": [], "Errors": [], "Names": None} self.rht_curvature = {"Orientation": [], "Curvature": []} self.filament_arrays = {} @property def wcs(self): return self._wcs @property def header(self): return self._header @property def pad_size(self): return self._pad_size @pad_size.setter def pad_size(self, value): if value < 0: raise ValueError("Pad size must be >=0") self._pad_size = value @property def skeleton_pad_size(self): return self._skeleton_pad_size @skeleton_pad_size.setter def skeleton_pad_size(self, value): if value <= 0: raise ValueError("Skeleton pad size must be >0") self._skeleton_pad_size = value
[docs] def create_mask(self, glob_thresh=None, adapt_thresh=None, smooth_size=None, size_thresh=None, verbose=False, test_mode=False, regrid=True, border_masking=True, zero_border=False, fill_hole_size=None, use_existing_mask=False, save_png=False): ''' This runs the complete segmentation process and returns a mask of the filaments found. The process is broken into six steps: * An arctan tranform is taken to flatten extremely bright regions. Adaptive thresholding is very sensitive to local intensity changes and small, bright objects(ie. cores) will leave patch-sized holes in the mask. * The flattened image is smoothed over with a median filter. The size of the patch used here is set to be much smaller than the typical filament width. Smoothing is necessary to minimizing extraneous branches when the medial axis transform is taken. * A binary opening is performed using an 8-connected structure element. This is very successful at removing small regions around the edge of the data. * Objects smaller than a certain threshold (set to be ~1/10 the area of a small filament) are removed to ensure only regions which are sufficiently large enough to be real structure remain. The parameters for this function are as previously defined. They are included here for fine-tuning purposes only. Parameters ---------- smooth_size : int, optional See definition in ``fil_finder_2D`` inputs. size_thresh : int, optional See definition in ``fil_finder_2D`` inputs. glob_thresh : float, optional See definition in ``fil_finder_2D`` inputs. adapt_thresh : int, optional See definition in ``fil_finder_2D`` inputs. verbose : bool, optional Enables plotting. Default is False. test_mode : bool, optional Plot each masking step. Default is False. regrid : bool, optional Enables the regridding of the image to larger sizes when the patch size for the adaptive thresholding is less than 40 pixels. This decreases fragmentation of regions due to pixellization effects. Default is True. border_masking : bool, optional Dilates a mask of the regions along the edge of the image to remove regions dominated by noise. Disabling leads to regions characterized at the image boundaries and should only be used if there is not significant noise at the edges. Default is True. zero_border : bool, optional Replaces the NaN border with zeros for the adaptive thresholding. This is useful when emission continues to the edge of the image. Default is False. fill_hole_size : int or float, optional Sets the maximum hole size to fill in the skeletons. If <1, maximum is that proportion of the total number of pixels in skeleton. Otherwise, it sets the maximum number of pixels. Defaults to a square area with length of the beamwidth. use_existing_mask : bool, optional If ``mask`` is already specified, enabling this skips recomputing the mask. save_png : bool, optional Saves the plot made in verbose mode. Disabled by default. Attributes ---------- mask : numpy.ndarray The mask of filaments. ''' if self.mask is not None and use_existing_mask: warnings.warn("Using inputted mask. Skipping creation of a new mask.") self.glob_thresh = 'usermask' self.adapt_thresh = 'usermask' self.size_thresh = 'usermask' self.smooth_size = 'usermask' return self # Skip if pre-made mask given if glob_thresh is not None: self.glob_thresh = glob_thresh if adapt_thresh is not None: self.adapt_thresh = adapt_thresh if smooth_size is not None: self.smooth_size = smooth_size if size_thresh is not None: self.size_thresh = size_thresh if self.pixel_unit_flag: if smooth_size is None: raise ValueError("Distance not given. Must specify smooth_size" " in pixel units.") if adapt_thresh is None: raise ValueError("Distance not given. Must specify adapt_thresh" " in pixel units.") if size_thresh is None: raise ValueError("Distance not given. Must specify size_thresh" " in pixel units.") if self.size_thresh is None: if self.beamwidth == 0.0: warnings.warn("Beam width is set to 0.0." "The size threshold is then 0. It is recommended" "that size_thresh is manually set.") self.size_thresh = round( np.pi * 5 * (0.1)**2. * self.imgscale ** -2) # Area of ellipse for typical filament size. Divided by 10 to # incorporate sparsity. if self.adapt_thresh is None: # twice average FWHM for filaments self.adapt_thresh = round(0.2 / self.imgscale) if self.smooth_size is None: # half average FWHM for filaments self.smooth_size = round(0.05 / self.imgscale) # Check if regridding is even necessary if self.adapt_thresh >= 40 and regrid: regrid = False warnings.warn("Adaptive thresholding patch is larger than 40" "pixels. Regridding has been disabled.") # Adaptive thresholding can't handle nans, so we create a nan mask # by finding the large, outer regions, smoothing with a large median # filter and eroding it. # Make a copy of the flattened image flat_copy = self.flat_img.copy() # Make the nan mask if border_masking: nan_mask = np.isnan(flat_copy) nan_mask = remove_small_objects(nan_mask, min_size=50, connectivity=8) nan_mask = np.logical_not(nan_mask) nan_mask = nd.median_filter(nan_mask, 25) nan_mask = nd.binary_erosion(nan_mask, eight_con(), iterations=15) else: nan_mask = np.logical_not(np.isnan(flat_copy)) # Remove nans in the copy flat_copy[np.isnan(flat_copy)] = 0.0 # Perform regridding if regrid: # Calculate the needed zoom to make the patch size ~40 pixels ratio = 40 / self.adapt_thresh # Round to the nearest factor of 2 regrid_factor = np.min([2., int(round(ratio / 2.0) * 2.0)]) # Defaults to cubic interpolation masking_img = nd.zoom(flat_copy, (regrid_factor, regrid_factor)) else: regrid_factor = 1 ratio = 1 masking_img = flat_copy smooth_img = \ nd.median_filter(masking_img, size=int(round(self.smooth_size * ratio))) # Set the border to zeros for the adaptive thresholding. Avoid border # effects. if zero_border and self.pad_size > 0: pad_size = int(self.pad_size * ratio) smooth_img[:pad_size + 1, :] = 0.0 smooth_img[-pad_size - 1:, :] = 0.0 smooth_img[:, :pad_size + 1] = 0.0 smooth_img[:, -pad_size - 1:] = 0.0 adapt = threshold_local(smooth_img, round_to_odd(ratio * self.adapt_thresh), method="mean") if regrid: regrid_factor = float(regrid_factor) adapt = nd.zoom(adapt, (1 / regrid_factor, 1 / regrid_factor), order=0) # Remove areas near the image border adapt = adapt * nan_mask if self.glob_thresh is not None: thresh_value = \ np.max([0.0, scoreatpercentile(self.flat_img[~np.isnan(self.flat_img)], self.glob_thresh)]) glob = flat_copy > thresh_value adapt = glob * adapt cleaned = \ remove_small_objects(adapt, min_size=self.size_thresh) # Remove small holes within the object if fill_hole_size is None: fill_hole_size = np.pi * (self.beamwidth / self.imgscale)**2 mask_objs, num, corners = \ isolateregions(cleaned, fill_hole=True, rel_size=fill_hole_size, morph_smooth=True, pad_size=self.skeleton_pad_size) self.mask = recombine_skeletons(mask_objs, corners, self.image.shape, self.skeleton_pad_size) # WARNING!! Setting some image values to 0 to avoid negative weights. # This may cause issues, however it will allow for proper skeletons # Through all the testing and deriving science results, this has not # been an issue! EK self.image[np.where((self.mask * self.image) < 0.0)] = 0 if test_mode: p.imshow(np.log10(self.image), origin="lower", interpolation=None, cmap='binary') p.colorbar() p.imshow(masking_img, origin="lower", interpolation=None, cmap='binary') p.colorbar() p.imshow(smooth_img, origin="lower", interpolation=None, cmap='binary') p.colorbar() p.imshow(adapt, origin="lower", interpolation=None, cmap='binary') p.imshow(cleaned, origin="lower", interpolation=None, cmap='binary') p.imshow(self.mask, origin="lower", interpolation=None, cmap='binary') if verbose or save_png: vmin = np.percentile(self.flat_img[np.isfinite(self.flat_img)], 20) vmax = np.percentile(self.flat_img[np.isfinite(self.flat_img)], 90) p.clf() p.imshow(self.flat_img, interpolation=None, origin="lower", cmap='binary', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) p.contour(self.mask, colors="r") p.title("Mask on Flattened Image.") if save_png: try_mkdir(self.save_name) p.savefig(os.path.join(self.save_name, self.save_name + "_mask.png")) if verbose: if in_ipynb(): p.clf()
[docs] def medskel(self, verbose=False, save_png=False): ''' This function performs the medial axis transform (skeletonization) on the mask. This is essentially a wrapper function of skimage.morphology.medial_axis with the ability to delete narrow regions in the mask. If the distance transform is returned from the transform, it is used as a pruning step. Regions where the width of a region are far too small (set to >0.01 pc) are deleted. This ensures there no unnecessary connections between filaments. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool, optional Enables plotting. save_png : bool, optional Saves the plot made in verbose mode. Disabled by default. Attributes ---------- skeleton : numpy.ndarray The array containing all of the skeletons. medial_axis_distance : numpy.ndarray The distance transform used to create the skeletons. ''' self.skeleton, self.medial_axis_distance = \ medial_axis(self.mask, return_distance=True) self.medial_axis_distance = \ self.medial_axis_distance * self.skeleton # Delete connection smaller than 2 pixels wide. Such a small # connection is more likely to be from limited pixel resolution # rather than actual structure. width_threshold = 1 narrow_pts = np.where(self.medial_axis_distance < width_threshold) self.skeleton[narrow_pts] = 0 # Eliminate narrow connections self.medial_axis_distance[narrow_pts] = 0 if verbose or save_png: # For examining results of skeleton vmin = np.percentile(self.flat_img[np.isfinite(self.flat_img)], 20) vmax = np.percentile(self.flat_img[np.isfinite(self.flat_img)], 90) p.clf() p.imshow(self.flat_img, interpolation=None, origin="lower", cmap='binary', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) p.contour(self.skeleton, colors="r") if save_png: try_mkdir(self.save_name) p.savefig(os.path.join(self.save_name, self.save_name + "_initial_skeletons.png")) if verbose: if in_ipynb(): p.clf()
[docs] def analyze_skeletons(self, prune_criteria='all', relintens_thresh=0.2, nbeam_lengths=5, branch_nbeam_lengths=3, skel_thresh=None, branch_thresh=None, verbose=False, save_png=False): ''' This function wraps most of the skeleton analysis. Several steps are completed here: * isolatefilaments is run to separate each skeleton into its own array. If the skeletons are under the threshold set by self.size_thresh, the region is removed. An updated mask is also returned. * pix_identify classifies each of the pixels in a skeleton as a body, end, or intersection point. See the documentation on find_filpix for a complete explanation. The function labels the branches and intersections of each skeletons. * init_lengths finds the length of each branch in each skeleton and also returns the coordinates of each of these branches for use in the graph representation. * pre_graph turns the skeleton structures into a graphing format compatible with networkx. Hubs in the graph are the intersections and end points, labeled as letters and numbers respectively. Edges define the connectivity of the hubs and they are weighted by their length. * longest_path utilizes networkx.shortest_path_length to find the overall length of each of the filaments. The returned path is the longest path through the skeleton. If loops exist in the skeleton, the longest path is chosen (this shortest path algorithm fails when used on loops). * extremum_pts returns the locations of the longest path's extent so its performance can be evaluated. * final_lengths takes the path returned from longest_path and calculates the overall length of the filament. This step also acts as to prune the skeletons. * final_analysis combines the outputs and returns the results for further analysis. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool, optional Enables plotting. prune_criteria : {'all', 'intensity', 'length'}, optional Choose the property to base pruning on. 'all' requires that the branch fails to satisfy the length and relative intensity checks. relintens_thresh : float, optional Relative intensity threshold for pruning. Sets the importance a branch must have in intensity relative to all other branches in the skeleton. Must be between (0.0, 1.0]. nbeam_lengths : float or int, optional Sets the minimum skeleton length based on the number of beam sizes specified. branch_nbeam_lengths : float or int, optional Sets the minimum branch length based on the number of beam sizes specified. skel_thresh : float, optional Manually set the minimum skeleton threshold. Overrides all previous settings. branch_thresh : float, optional Manually set the minimum branch length threshold. Overrides all previous settings. save_png : bool, optional Saves the plot made in verbose mode. Disabled by default. Attributes ---------- filament_arrays : list of numpy.ndarray Contains individual arrays of each skeleton number_of_filaments : int The number of individual filaments. array_offsets : list A list of coordinates for each filament array.This will be used to recombine the final skeletons into one array. filament_extents : list This contains the coordinates of the initial and final position of the skeleton's extent. It may be used to test the performance of the shortest path algorithm. lengths : list Contains the overall lengths of the skeletons labeled_fil_arrays : list of numpy.ndarray Contains the final labeled versions of the skeletons. branch_properties : dict The significant branches of the skeletons have their length and number of branches in each skeleton stored here. The keys are: *filament_branches*, *branch_lengths* ''' if relintens_thresh > 1.0 or relintens_thresh <= 0.0: raise ValueError( "relintens_thresh must be set between (0.0, 1.0].") if self.pixel_unit_flag: if self.skel_thresh is None and skel_thresh is None: raise ValueError("Distance not given. Must specify skel_thresh" " in pixel units.") # Set the skeleton length threshold to some factor of the beam width if self.skel_thresh is None: self.skel_thresh = round(0.3 / self.imgscale) # round( self.beamwidth * nbeam_lengths / self.imgscale) elif skel_thresh is not None: self.skel_thresh = skel_thresh # Set the minimum branch length to be the beam size. if self.branch_thresh is None: self.branch_thresh = \ round(branch_nbeam_lengths * self.beamwidth / self.imgscale) elif branch_thresh is not None: self.branch_thresh = branch_thresh isolated_filaments, num, offsets = \ isolateregions(self.skeleton, size_threshold=self.skel_thresh, pad_size=self.skeleton_pad_size) self.number_of_filaments = num self.array_offsets = offsets interpts, hubs, ends, filbranches, labeled_fil_arrays = \ pix_identify(isolated_filaments, num) self.branch_properties = init_lengths( labeled_fil_arrays, filbranches, self.array_offsets, self.image) # Add the number of branches onto the dictionary self.branch_properties["number"] = filbranches edge_list, nodes, loop_edges = pre_graph( labeled_fil_arrays, self.branch_properties, interpts, ends) max_path, extremum, G = \ longest_path(edge_list, nodes, verbose=verbose, save_png=save_png, save_name=self.save_name, skeleton_arrays=labeled_fil_arrays) updated_lists = \ prune_graph(G, nodes, edge_list, max_path, labeled_fil_arrays, self.branch_properties, loop_edges, length_thresh=self.branch_thresh, relintens_thresh=relintens_thresh, prune_criteria=prune_criteria) labeled_fil_arrays, edge_list, nodes, self.branch_properties = \ updated_lists self.filament_extents = extremum_pts(labeled_fil_arrays, extremum, ends) length_output = main_length(max_path, edge_list, labeled_fil_arrays, interpts, self.branch_properties["length"], self.imgscale, verbose=verbose, save_png=save_png, save_name=self.save_name) self.lengths, self.filament_arrays["long path"] = length_output # Convert lengths to numpy array self.lengths = np.asarray(self.lengths) self.filament_arrays["final"] =\ make_final_skeletons(labeled_fil_arrays, interpts, verbose=verbose, save_png=save_png, save_name=self.save_name) self.labelled_filament_arrays = labeled_fil_arrays # Convert branch lengths physical units for n in range(self.number_of_filaments): lengths = self.branch_properties["length"][n] self.branch_properties["length"][n] = \ [self.imgscale * length for length in lengths] self.skeleton = \ recombine_skeletons(self.filament_arrays["final"], self.array_offsets, self.image.shape, self.skeleton_pad_size) self.skeleton_longpath = \ recombine_skeletons(self.filament_arrays["long path"], self.array_offsets, self.image.shape, self.skeleton_pad_size)
[docs] def exec_rht(self, radius=10, ntheta=180, background_percentile=25, branches=False, min_branch_length=3, verbose=False, save_png=False): ''' Implements the Rolling Hough Transform (Clark et al., 2014). The orientation of each filament is denoted by the mean value of the RHT, which from directional statistics can be defined as: :math:`\\langle\\theta \\rangle = \\frac{1}{2} \\tan^{-1}\\left(\\frac{\\Sigma_i w_i\\sin2\\theta_i}{\\Sigma_i w_i\\cos2\\theta_i}\\right)` where :math:`w_i` is the normalized value of the RHT at :math:`\\theta_i`. This definition assumes that :math:`\\Sigma_iw_i=1`. :math:`\\theta` is defined on :math:`\\left[-\\pi/2, \\pi/2\\right)`. "Curvature" is represented by the IQR confidence interval about the mean, :math:`\\langle\\theta \\rangle \\pm \\sin^{-1} \\left( u_{\\alpha} \\sqrt{ \\frac{1-\\alpha}{2R^2} } \\right)` where :math:`u_{\\alpha}` is the z-score of the two-tail probability, :math:`\\alpha=\\Sigma_i\\cos{\\left[2w_i\\left(\\theta_i-\\langle\\theta\\rangle\\right)\\right]}` is the estimated weighted second trigonometric moment and :math:`R^2=\\left[\\left(\\Sigma_iw_i\\sin{\\theta_i}\\right)^2 +\\left(\\Sigma_iw_i\\cos{\\theta_i}\\right)^2\\right]` is the weighted length of the vector. These equations can be found in Fisher & Lewis (1983). Parameters ---------- radius : int Sets the patch size that the RHT uses. ntheta : int, optional The number of bins to use for the RHT. background : int, optional RHT distribution often has a constant background. This sets the percentile to subtract off. branches : bool, optional If enabled, runs the RHT on individual branches in the skeleton. min_branch_length : int, optional Sets the minimum pixels a branch must have to calculate the RHT verbose : bool, optional Enables plotting. save_png : bool, optional Saves the plot made in verbose mode. Disabled by default. Attributes ---------- rht_curvature : dict Contains the median and IQR for each filament. References ---------- `Clark et al. (2014) <>`_ `Fisher & Lewis (1983) <>`_ ''' if not self.rht_curvature["Orientation"]: pass else: self.rht_curvature = {"Orientation": [], "Curvature": []} # Flag branch output self._rht_branches_flag = False if branches: self._rht_branches_flag = True # Set up new dict entries. self.rht_curvature["Intensity"] = [] self.rht_curvature["Length"] = [] # Need to correct for how image is read in # fliplr aligns angles with image when shown in ds9 for n in range(self.number_of_filaments): if branches: # We need intermediary arrays now means = np.array([]) iqrs = np.array([]) intensity = np.array([]) lengths = np.array([]) # for val in branch_labels: for val, (pix, length) in enumerate(zip(self.branch_properties['pixels'][n], self.branch_properties['length'][n])): # Only include the branches with length > min length if length < (min_branch_length * self.imgscale): continue ymax = pix[:, 0].max() ymin = pix[:, 0].min() xmax = pix[:, 1].max() xmin = pix[:, 1].min() shape = (ymax - ymin + 1 + 2 * radius, xmax - xmin + 1 + 2 * radius) branch_array = np.zeros(shape, dtype=bool) branch_array[pix[:, 0] - ymin + radius, pix[:, 1] - xmin + radius] = True branch_array = np.fliplr(branch_array) theta, R, quantiles = \ rht(branch_array, radius, ntheta, background_percentile) twofive, mean, sevenfive = quantiles means = np.append(means, mean) if sevenfive > twofive: iqrs = \ np.append(iqrs, np.abs(sevenfive - twofive)) else: iqrs = \ np.append(iqrs, np.abs(sevenfive - twofive) + np.pi) intensity = \ np.append(intensity, self.branch_properties["intensity"][0][val - 1]) lengths = np.append(lengths, self.branch_properties["length"][0][val - 1]) self.rht_curvature["Orientation"].append(means) self.rht_curvature["Curvature"].append(iqrs) self.rht_curvature["Intensity"].append(intensity) self.rht_curvature["Length"].append(lengths) if verbose or save_png: Warning("No verbose mode available when running RHT on " "individual branches. No plots will be saved.") else: skel_arr = np.fliplr(self.filament_arrays["long path"][n]) theta, R, quantiles = rht( skel_arr, radius, ntheta, background_percentile) twofive, median, sevenfive = quantiles self.rht_curvature["Orientation"].append(median) if sevenfive > twofive: self.rht_curvature["Curvature"].append( np.abs(sevenfive - twofive)) # Interquartile range else: # self.rht_curvature["Curvature"].append( np.abs(sevenfive - twofive + np.pi)) if verbose or save_png: p.clf() ax1 = p.subplot(121, polar=True) ax1.plot(2 * theta, R / R.max(), "kD") ax1.fill_between(2 * theta, 0, R[:, 0] / R.max(), facecolor="blue", interpolate=True, alpha=0.5) ax1.set_rmax(1.0) ax1.plot([2 * median] * 2, np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 2), "g") ax1.plot([2 * twofive] * 2, np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 2), "b--") ax1.plot([2 * sevenfive] * 2, np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 2), "b--") p.subplot(122) p.imshow(self.filament_arrays["long path"][n], cmap="binary", origin="lower") if save_png: try_mkdir(self.save_name) p.savefig(os.path.join(self.save_name, self.save_name + "_rht_" + str(n) + ".png")) if verbose: if in_ipynb(): p.clf()
[docs] def find_widths(self, fit_model=gauss_model, try_nonparam=True, use_longest_paths=False, verbose=False, save_png=False, **kwargs): ''' The final step of the algorithm is to find the widths of each of the skeletons. We do this by: * A Euclidean Distance Transform is performed on each skeleton. The skeletons are also recombined onto a single array. The individual filament arrays are padded to ensure a proper radial profile is created. If the padded arrays fall outside of the original image, they are trimmed. * A user-specified model is fit to each of the radial profiles. The default is a Gaussian with a constant background. This returns the width and central intensity of each filament. The reported widths are the deconvolved FWHM of the gaussian width. For faint or crowded filaments, the fit can fail due to lack of data to fit to. In this case, we estimate the width non-parametrically. Parameters ---------- fit_model : function Function to fit to the radial profile. try_nonparam : bool, optional If True, uses a non-parametric method to find the properties of the radial profile in cases where the model fails. use_longest_paths : bool, optional Optionally use the longest path skeletons for the width fitting. Note that this will disregard all branches off of the longest path. verbose : bool, optional Enables plotting. save_png : bool, optional Saves the plot made in verbose mode. Disabled by default. Attributes ---------- width_fits : dict Contains the fit parameters and estimations of the errors from each fit. total_intensity : list Sum of the intensity in each filament within 1 FWHM of the skeleton. ''' warnings.warn("An array offset issue is present in the radial profiles" "! Please use the new version in FilFinder2D. " "Double-check all results from this function!") if use_longest_paths: skel_arrays = self.filament_arrays["long path"] else: skel_arrays = self.filament_arrays["final"] dist_transform_all, dist_transform_separate = \ dist_transform(skel_arrays, self.skeleton) # Prepare the storage self.width_fits["Parameters"] = np.empty((self.number_of_filaments, 4)) self.width_fits["Errors"] = np.empty((self.number_of_filaments, 4)) self.width_fits["Type"] = np.empty((self.number_of_filaments), dtype="S") self.total_intensity = np.empty((self.number_of_filaments, )) self._rad_profiles = [] self._unbin_rad_profiles = [] for n in range(self.number_of_filaments): # Shift bottom offset by 1. There's a +1 running around somewhere # in the old code that isn't in the new code. Just make the # correction here. low_corner = list(self.array_offsets[n][0]) low_corner[0] -= 1 low_corner[1] -= 1 offsets = (tuple(low_corner), self.array_offsets[n][1]) # Need the unbinned data for the non-parametric fit. out = radial_profile(self.image, dist_transform_all, dist_transform_separate[n], offsets, self.imgscale, **kwargs) if out is not None: dist, radprof, weights, unbin_dist, unbin_radprof = out self._rad_profiles.append([dist, radprof]) self._unbin_rad_profiles.append([unbin_dist, unbin_radprof]) else: self.total_intensity[n] = np.NaN self.width_fits["Parameters"][n, :] = [np.NaN] * 4 self.width_fits["Errors"][n, :] = [np.NaN] * 4 self.width_fits["Type"][n] = 'g' self._rad_profiles.append([np.NaN, np.NaN]) continue # if fit_model == cyl_model: # if self.freq is None: # print('''Image not converted to column density. # Fit parameters will not match physical meaning. # lease specify frequency.''') # else: # assert isinstance(self.freq, float) # radprof = dens_func( # planck(20., self.freq), 0.2, radprof) * (5.7e19) fit, fit_error, model, parameter_names, fail_flag = \ fit_model(dist, radprof, weights, self.beamwidth) # Get the function's name to track where fit values come from fit_type = str(model.__name__) if not fail_flag: chisq = red_chisq(radprof, model(dist, *fit[:-1]), 3, 1) else: # Give a value above threshold to try non-parametric fit chisq = 11.0 # If the model isn't doing a good job, try it non-parametrically if chisq > 10.0 and try_nonparam: fit, fit_error, fail_flag = \ nonparam_width(dist, radprof, unbin_dist, unbin_radprof, self.beamwidth, 5, 99) # Change the fit type. fit_type = "nonparam" if verbose or save_png: if verbose: print("%s in %s" % (n, self.number_of_filaments)) print("Fit Parameters: %s " % (fit)) print("Fit Errors: %s" % (fit_error)) print("Fit Type: %s" % (fit_type)) p.clf() p.subplot(121) p.plot(dist, radprof, "kD") points = np.linspace(np.min(dist), np.max(dist), 2 * len(dist)) try: # If FWHM is appended on, will get TypeError p.plot(points, model(points, *fit), "r") except TypeError: p.plot(points, model(points, *fit[:-1]), "r") p.xlabel(r'Radial Distance (pc)') p.ylabel(r'Intensity') p.grid(True) p.subplot(122) xlow, ylow = (self.array_offsets[n][0][0], self.array_offsets[n][0][1]) xhigh, yhigh = (self.array_offsets[n][1][0], self.array_offsets[n][1][1]) shape = (xhigh - xlow, yhigh - ylow) p.contour(skel_arrays[n] [self.pad_size:shape[0] - self.pad_size, self.pad_size:shape[1] - self.pad_size], colors="r") img_slice = self.image[xlow + self.pad_size: xhigh - self.pad_size, ylow + self.pad_size: yhigh - self.pad_size] # Use an asinh stretch to highlight all features from astropy.visualization import AsinhStretch from astropy.visualization.mpl_normalize import ImageNormalize vmin = np.nanmin(img_slice) vmax = np.nanmax(img_slice) p.imshow(img_slice, cmap='binary', origin='lower', norm=ImageNormalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, stretch=AsinhStretch())) cbar = p.colorbar() cbar.set_label(r'Intensity') if save_png: try_mkdir(self.save_name) filename = \ "{0}_width_fit_{1}.png".format(self.save_name, n) p.savefig(os.path.join(self.save_name, filename)) if verbose: if in_ipynb(): p.clf() # Final width check -- make sure length is longer than the width. # If it is, add the width onto the length since the adaptive # thresholding shortens each edge by the about the same. if self.lengths[n] > fit[-1]: self.lengths[n] += fit[-1] else: fail_flag = True # If fail_flag has been set to true in any of the fitting steps, # set results to nans if fail_flag: fit = [np.NaN] * len(fit) fit_error = [np.NaN] * len(fit) # Using the unbinned profiles, we can find the total filament # brightness. This can later be used to estimate the mass # contained in each filament. within_width = np.where(unbin_dist <= fit[1]) if within_width[0].size: # Check if its empty # Subtract off the estimated background fil_bright = unbin_radprof[within_width] - fit[2] sum_bright = np.sum(fil_bright[fil_bright >= 0], axis=None) self.total_intensity[n] = sum_bright * self.angular_scale else: self.total_intensity[n] = np.NaN self.width_fits["Parameters"][n, :] = fit self.width_fits["Errors"][n, :] = fit_error self.width_fits["Type"][n] = fit_type self.width_fits["Names"] = parameter_names
[docs] def compute_filament_brightness(self): ''' Returns the median brightness along the skeleton of the filament. Attributes ---------- filament_brightness : list Average brightness/intensity over the skeleton pixels for each filament. ''' self.filament_brightness = [] labels, n = nd.label(self.skeleton, eight_con()) for n in range(1, self.number_of_filaments+1): values = self.image[np.where(labels == n)] self.filament_brightness.append(np.median(values))
[docs] def filament_model(self, max_radius=25, use_nopad=True): ''' Returns a model of the diffuse filamentary network based on the radial profiles. Parameters ---------- max_radius : int, optional Number of pixels to extend profiles to. use_nopad : bool, optional Returns the unpadded image size when enabled. Enabled by default. Returns ------- model_image : numpy.ndarray Array of the model ''' if len(self.width_fits['Parameters']) == 0: raise TypeError("Run profile fitting first!") params = self.width_fits['Parameters'] scale = self.imgscale if use_nopad: skel_array = self.skeleton_nopad else: skel_array = self.skeleton # Create the distance transforms all_fils = dist_transform(self.filament_arrays["final"], skel_array)[0] model_image = np.zeros(all_fils.shape) for param, offset, fil_array in zip(params, self.array_offsets, self.filament_arrays["final"]): if np.isnan(param).any(): continue # Avoid issues with the sizes of each filament array full_size = np.ones(model_image.shape) skel_posns = np.where(fil_array >= 1) full_size[skel_posns[0] + offset[0][0], skel_posns[1] + offset[0][1]] = 0 dist_array = distance_transform_edt(full_size) posns = np.where(dist_array < max_radius) model_image[posns] += \ (param[0] - param[2]) * \ np.exp(-np.power(dist_array[posns], 2) / (2*(param[1]/scale)**2)) return model_image
[docs] def find_covering_fraction(self, max_radius=25): ''' Compute the fraction of the intensity in the image contained in the filamentary structure. Parameters ---------- max_radius : int, optional Passed to `~fil_finder_2D.filament_model` Attributes ---------- covering_fraction : float Fraction of the total image intensity contained in the filamentary structure (based on the local, individual fits) ''' fil_model = self.filament_model(max_radius=max_radius) self.covering_fraction = np.nansum(fil_model) / np.nansum(self.image)
[docs] def save_table(self, table_type="csv", path=None, save_name=None, save_branch_props=True, branch_table_type="hdf5", hdf5_path="data"): ''' The results of the algorithm are saved as an Astropy table in a 'csv', 'fits' or latex format. Parameters ---------- table_type : str, optional Sets the output type of the table. Supported options are "csv", "fits", "latex" and "hdf5". path : str, optional The path where the file should be saved. save_name : str, optional The prefix for the saved file. If None, the save name specified when ``fil_finder_2D`` was first called. save_branch_props : bool, optional When enabled, saves the lists of branch lengths and intensities in a separate file(s). Default is enabled. branch_table_type : str, optional Any of the accepted table_types will work here. If using HDF5, just one output file is created with each stored within it. hdf5_path : str, optional Path name within the HDF5 file. Attributes ---------- dataframe : astropy.Table The dataframe is returned for use with the ``Analysis`` class. ''' if save_name is None: save_name = self.save_name save_name = save_name + "_table" if table_type == "csv": filename = save_name + ".csv" elif table_type == "fits": filename = save_name + ".fits" elif table_type == "latex": filename = save_name + ".tex" elif table_type == "hdf5": filename = save_name + ".hdf5" else: raise NameError("Only formats supported are 'csv', 'fits' \ and 'latex'.") # If path is specified, append onto filename. if path is not None: filename = os.path.join(path, filename) if not self._rht_branches_flag: data = {"Lengths": self.lengths, "Orientation": self.rht_curvature["Orientation"], "Curvature": self.rht_curvature["Curvature"], "Branches": self.branch_properties["number"], "Fit Type": self.width_fits["Type"], "Total Intensity": self.total_intensity, "Median Brightness": self.filament_brightness} branch_data = \ {"Branch Length": self.branch_properties["length"], "Branch Intensity": self.branch_properties["intensity"]} else: # RHT was ran on branches, and so can only be saved as a branch # property due to the table shape data = {"Lengths": self.lengths, "Fit Type": self.width_fits["Type"], "Total Intensity": self.total_intensity, "Branches": self.branch_properties["number"], "Median Brightness": self.filament_brightness} branch_data = \ {"Branch Length": self.rht_curvature["Length"], "Branch Intensity": self.rht_curvature["Intensity"], "Curvature": self.rht_curvature["Curvature"], "Orientation": self.rht_curvature["Orientation"]} for i, param in enumerate(self.width_fits["Names"]): data[param] = self.width_fits["Parameters"][:, i] data[param + " Error"] = self.width_fits["Errors"][:, i] try_mkdir(self.save_name) df = Table(data) if table_type == "csv": df.write(os.path.join(self.save_name, filename), format="ascii.csv") elif table_type == "fits": df.write(os.path.join(self.save_name, filename)) elif table_type == "latex": df.write(os.path.join(self.save_name, filename), format="ascii.latex") elif table_type == 'hdf5': df.write(os.path.join(self.save_name, filename), path=hdf5_path) self.dataframe = df for n in range(self.number_of_filaments): branch_df = \ Table([branch_data[key][n] for key in branch_data.keys()], names=branch_data.keys()) branch_filename = save_name + "_branch_" + str(n) if branch_table_type == "csv": branch_df.write(os.path.join(self.save_name, branch_filename+".csv"), format="ascii.csv") elif branch_table_type == "fits": branch_df.write(os.path.join(self.save_name, branch_filename+".fits")) elif branch_table_type == "latex": branch_df.write(os.path.join(self.save_name, branch_filename+".tex"), format="ascii.latex") elif branch_table_type == 'hdf5': hdf_filename = save_name + "_branch" if n == 0: branch_df.write(os.path.join(self.save_name, hdf_filename+".hdf5"), path="branch_"+str(n)) else: branch_df.write(os.path.join(self.save_name, hdf_filename+".hdf5"), path="branch_"+str(n), append=True)
@property def mask_nopad(self): if self.pad_size == 0: return self.mask return self.mask[self.pad_size:-self.pad_size, self.pad_size:-self.pad_size] @property def skeleton_nopad(self): if self.pad_size == 0: return self.skeleton return self.skeleton[self.pad_size:-self.pad_size, self.pad_size:-self.pad_size] @property def skeleton_longpath_nopad(self): if self.pad_size == 0: return self.skeleton_longpath return self.skeleton_longpath[self.pad_size:-self.pad_size, self.pad_size:-self.pad_size] @property def flat_img_nopad(self): if self.pad_size == 0: self.flat_img return self.flat_img[self.pad_size:-self.pad_size, self.pad_size:-self.pad_size] @property def image_nopad(self): if self.pad_size == 0: return self.image return self.image[self.pad_size:-self.pad_size, self.pad_size:-self.pad_size] @property def medial_axis_distance_nopad(self): if self.pad_size == 0: return self.medial_axis_distance return self.medial_axis_distance[self.pad_size:-self.pad_size, self.pad_size:-self.pad_size]
[docs] def save_fits(self, save_name=None, stamps=False, filename=None, model_save=True, **kwargs): ''' This function saves the mask and the skeleton array as FITS files. Included in the header are the setting used to create them. Parameters ---------- save_name : str, optional The prefix for the saved file. If None, the save name specified when `~fil_finder_2D` was first called. stamps : bool, optional Enables saving of individual stamps filename : str, optional File name of the image used. If None, assumes save_name is the file name. model_save : bool, optional When enabled, calculates the model using `~fil_finder_2D.filament_model` and saves it in a FITS file. ''' if save_name is None: save_name = self.save_name if not filename: # Assume save_name is filename if not specified. filename = save_name # Create header based off of image header. if self.header is not None: new_hdr = deepcopy(self.header) else: new_hdr = fits.Header() new_hdr["NAXIS"] = 2 new_hdr["NAXIS1"] = self.mask_nopad.shape[1] new_hdr["NAXIS2"] = self.mask_nopad.shape[0] try: # delete the original history del new_hdr["HISTORY"] except KeyError: pass new_hdr["BUNIT"] = ("bool", "") new_hdr["COMMENT"] = "Mask created by fil_finder on " + \ time.strftime("%c") new_hdr["COMMENT"] = \ "See fil_finder documentation for more info on parameter meanings." new_hdr["COMMENT"] = "Smoothing Filter Size: " + \ str(self.smooth_size) + " pixels" new_hdr["COMMENT"] = "Area Threshold: " + \ str(self.size_thresh) + " pixels^2" new_hdr["COMMENT"] = "Global Intensity Threshold: " + \ str(self.glob_thresh) + " %" new_hdr["COMMENT"] = "Size of Adaptive Threshold Patch: " + \ str(self.adapt_thresh) + " pixels" new_hdr["COMMENT"] = "Original file name: " + filename try_mkdir(self.save_name) # Save mask fits.writeto(os.path.join(self.save_name, "".join([save_name, "_mask.fits"])), self.mask_nopad.astype(">i2"), new_hdr, **kwargs) # Save skeletons. Includes final skeletons and the longest paths. new_hdr["BUNIT"] = ("int", "") new_hdr["COMMENT"] = "Skeleton Size Threshold: " + \ str(self.skel_thresh) new_hdr["COMMENT"] = "Branch Size Threshold: " + \ str(self.branch_thresh) hdu_skel = fits.HDUList() # Final Skeletons - create labels which match up with table output labels = nd.label(self.skeleton_nopad, eight_con())[0] hdu_skel.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(labels.astype(">i2"), header=new_hdr)) # Longest Paths labels_lp = nd.label(self.skeleton_longpath_nopad, eight_con())[0] hdu_skel.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(labels_lp.astype(">i2"), header=new_hdr)) try_mkdir(self.save_name) hdu_skel.writeto(os.path.join(self.save_name, "".join([save_name, "_skeletons.fits"])), **kwargs) if stamps: # Save stamps of all images. Include portion of image and the # skeleton for reference. try_mkdir(self.save_name) # Make a directory for the stamps out_dir = \ os.path.join(self.save_name, "stamps_" + save_name) if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) final_arrays = self.filament_arrays["final"] longpath_arrays = self.filament_arrays["long path"] for n, (offset, skel_arr, lp_arr) in \ enumerate(zip(self.array_offsets, final_arrays, longpath_arrays)): xlow, ylow = (offset[0][0], offset[0][1]) xhigh, yhigh = (offset[1][0], offset[1][1]) # Create stamp img_stamp = self.image[xlow:xhigh, ylow:yhigh] # ADD IN SOME HEADERS! if self.header is not None: prim_hdr = deepcopy(self.header) else: prim_hdr = fits.Header() prim_hdr["NAXIS"] = 2 prim_hdr["NAXIS1"] = img_stamp.shape[1] prim_hdr["NAXIS2"] = img_stamp.shape[0] prim_hdr["COMMENT"] = "Outputted from fil_finder." prim_hdr["COMMENT"] = \ "Extent in original array: (" + \ str(xlow + self.pad_size) + "," + \ str(ylow + self.pad_size) + ")->" + \ "(" + str(xhigh - self.pad_size) + \ "," + str(yhigh - self.pad_size) + ")" hdu = fits.HDUList() # Image stamp hdu.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(img_stamp.astype(">f4"), header=prim_hdr)) # Stamp of final skeleton try: prim_hdr.update("BUNIT", value="bool", comment="") except KeyError: prim_hdr["BUNIT"] = ("int", "") hdu.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(skel_arr.astype(">i2"), header=prim_hdr)) # Stamp of longest path hdu.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(lp_arr.astype(">i2"), header=prim_hdr)) hdu.writeto(os.path.join(out_dir, save_name+"_object_"+str(n+1)+".fits"), **kwargs) if model_save: model = self.filament_model(use_nopad=True) model_hdr = new_hdr.copy() try: model_hdr.update("BUNIT", value=self.header['BUNIT'], comment="") except KeyError: Warning("No BUNIT specified in original header.") model_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(model.astype(">f4"), header=model_hdr) try_mkdir(self.save_name) model_hdu.writeto( os.path.join(self.save_name, "".join([save_name, "_filament_model.fits"])), **kwargs)
def __str__(self): print("%s filaments found.") % (self.number_of_filaments) for fil in range(self.number_of_filaments): print("Filament: %s, Width: %s, Length: %s, Curvature: %s,\ Orientation: %s" % \ (fil, self.width_fits["Parameters"][fil, -1][fil], self.lengths[fil], self.rht_curvature["Std"][fil], self.rht_curvature["Std"][fil]))
[docs] def run(self, verbose=False, save_name=None, save_png=False, table_type="fits"): ''' The whole algorithm in one easy step. Individual parameters have not been included in this batch run. If fine-tuning is needed, it is recommended to run each step individually. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool, optional Enables the verbose option for each of the steps. save_name : str, optional The prefix for the saved file. If None, the name from the header is used. save_png : bool, optional Saves the plot made in verbose mode. Disabled by default. table_type : str, optional Sets the output type of the table. Supported options are "csv", "fits" and "latex". ''' if save_name is None: save_name = self.save_name self.create_mask(verbose=verbose, save_png=save_png) self.medskel(verbose=verbose, save_png=save_png) self.analyze_skeletons(verbose=verbose, save_png=save_png) self.exec_rht(verbose=verbose, save_png=save_png) self.find_widths(verbose=verbose, save_png=save_png) self.compute_filament_brightness() self.find_covering_fraction() self.save_table(save_name=save_name, table_type=table_type) self.save_fits(save_name=save_name, stamps=False) if verbose: self.__str__()